Tag Archives: roses

Forlorn Teapot

Well, this morning I got up after not being able to fall back asleep and started to clean up yesterday’s clutter from the sleepover. Yes, kids mean sleepovers, means tired mom, means “I can’t wait for Spring Break to be over”… 🙂


I saw the teapot that I’ve seen everyday now for the last year, sitting forlorn on the kitchen window sill after the kids broke the lid about a year ago. I didn’t throw the thing out because with or without the lid, it’s still so pretty. Plus, it was from my mom; you know, sentimental value and all.

I went to throw the trash out, saw my rose bush in full bloom, thought to myself, “I’ve got to cut those roses off soon” and went back into the house and stared once again at that sad teapot as I washed a couple dishes.

Right then, I decided to wash the pot, ran outside to cut a few (granted not as many as the bush needed) roses and put said roses in the teapot. No more forlorn teapot and a slightly happier rose bush!

My day is much improved. Especially since I had been thinking I needed more flowers in the house. Happy me, now to finish cleaning the house…


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